The Naughty Stewardesses follows the typical pattern of a Roger Corman "nurse" film (very popular at the time), only with stewardesses. The plot...
The Naughty Stewardesses
Struggling actor Jerry makes more money as an escort for the rich and famous than he does acting. Wealthy investor J. C. Church hires Jerry to...
The Ecstasy Girls
Bikers, Nazis, Mafiosi, and the FBI all clash in this wild and wooly exploitation picture from director Al Adamson. Mark Adams (John Gabriel) is an...
Hell's Bloody Devils
Those "naughty stewardesses" are at it again! But this time they’ve turned in their Mile High Club sky miles for a sexy, rousing, Old...
Blazing Stewardesses
Two aliens from a dying planet are on a mission to impregnate Earth women.
Wam Bam Thank You Spaceman
Johnny Wadd has rescued Doreen during his Mexico adventure and returned to San Francisco, where he is hired by a special drug investigation unit to...
Liquid Lips
Kicks Carter is a streetwise policeman whose beat is Las Vegas. A crime gang is running guns, selling drugs, loan-sharking, and running a...
Black Heat
Federal agents look for moonshiners, but these girls have a plan to redirect their attention.
Moonshine Girls
A movie about a man who lives only for revenge after a man called "Pistole" murders his family. He finds "Pistole" and his gang in a small town they...