In 2017, with the support of an extraordinary grassroots movement, British Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn came close to becoming prime minister....
Oh Jeremy Corbyn - The Big Lie
Riko and Kane have got it all: big dreams, no respect and a fifteen grand debt. Could things get any worse? Yes! So, it’s time to man up and...
Ken Loach spent two days on the Jeremy Corbyn Labour leadership campaign trail in the summer of 2016. He documented people sharing their personal...
In Conversation With Jeremy Corbyn
Film-maker David Modell follows Labour MPs through an extraordinary six months in the life of their party, through the election and its aftermath, as...
Labour: The Summer that Changed Everything
Political strategist Dominic Cummings leads a popular but controversial campaign to convince British voters to leave the European Union from 2015 up...
Brexit: The Uncivil War
One-off comedy satirising the EU Referendum and its effects in which a cast of comedy characters interact with the real-life campaign pranking...
Every second Saturday in July, since 1871, the city of Durham has been taken over by miners, trade-unions and the general public for one of the...
The Big Meeting
Brexit: The Clock Is Ticking
Antisemitism in the US and Europe is spreading and is seemingly unstoppable. Andrew Goldberg examines its rise traveling through four countries to...
Viral: Antisemitism in Four Mutations
This film shows how four decades of neoliberal policies have resulted in a widespread of social injustice, economic inequality and popular anger.
The Era of Neoliberalism
Os Maus Patriotas
The inside story of Theresa May's tumultuous premiership with exclusive access to the former Prime Minister and interviews with friends and critics.
Theresa May: The Accidental Prime Minister