In the near future, as humanity prepares to set foot on Mars, Jacob Obus, an elderly musician, takes pride in slowing down time by playing...
Mars and April
Even death is in movement, since the soul is going someplace else. A short film inspired by Jacques Languirand's philosophic work.
A Canadian couple reunites with the German POW they befriended during World War II.
A Hero's Life
A heterosexual man pretends to be gay in order to keep his career in the world of art, which causes many misunderstandings with his wife, and mother.
Heads or Tails
Between fiction and documentary, Jacques Godbout's feature film takes a critical look at the Quebecois youth of the 1960s. Kid Sentiment, it is the...
Kid Sentiment
After reading a bedtime story to her daughter, Alice Tremblay leaves her daughter's room and enters her own fairytale.
Alice's Odyssey