"The Gathering" tells the story of Xiao Mei who has a crush on one of her schoolmates, Fang Tai. However, her mother disapproves of the puppy love...
The Gathering
Cheah Liek Hou is a prodigious badminton player but discovers that he is afflicted with brachial plexus paralysis. Undeterred by this setback, he...
This film is a film about the relationship between Chou Ta-Long and his son Dong, the transformation and growth of the decadent father's attitude...
See You at the Rally
From the music of Polish composer Abel Korzeniowski, Singaporean filmmaker Anthony Chen crafts a story that imagines spending the burning time of a...
The Cigarette
The movie follows the story of a PASKAU team led by Captain Adib and his mentor, Major Adnan, tasked with protecting humanitarians serving in war...
Air Force The Movie: Danger Close
Abang and Adi are undocumented orphans living in present-day Malaysia. While the older brother, a deaf mute, has resigned himself to a life of...
Abang Adik
Liang Nian'er, who grows up in a single-parent household pretends to be wealthy to gain attention. During a trip, her lies are exposed, leading her...
Say My Name
A poor family struggles to cope with tragedy and mental illness in a fractured society.
Shuttle Life
A cop in Singapore investigates the disappearance of a Chinese migrant construction worker who spent sleepless nights playing a mysterious video game.
A Land Imagined
Unfolding the life of a taxi driver that uses his services as a front for extortion rackets and other criminal activities. When his hot-headed...
Fly By Night
Struggling for years, 55 year old Andy finally claim herself as woman, despite it was just partially completed. Andy’s dream come true, but she...
Miss Andy
Hua Ge, who has been addicted to heroin for thirty years, successfully quits drugs and sets up a farm on a mountain, which takes in young drug...
The Paradise
Measure In Love was shot entirely in Hong Kong — in both Cantonese and Mandarin language — with a cast led by local rising star Yuen (The...
Measure in Love