This story take place in Moscow during the 1970s and unfolds around the love triangle between two young men and a girl who study at the same...
Vanished Empire
A girl left a young handsome hockey player on the eve of the decisive match. Moreover, she did not go to anyone, but to a museum worker. To support a...
Eternal Cold
A male corpse with the Watchers’ mark falls on a boat deck where a wedding party is in full swing. What is it – a setup or a foreboding...
The Watchers: The Last Hero
Night in the center of Moscow hit by a girl, she urgently needs complex operations. Her friend Kira finds the culprit, arrogant and cynical tycoon...
The Watchers: Beginning
A girl seeks for help: her brother took up with the wrong guys. An investigation leads the Watchers to an underground casino, where rich youngsters...
The Watchers: Jackpot
The ruthless extremist Bazgaev responsible for terrorist attacks which lead to deaths of hundreds of civilians, among them school children, is...
Decision: Liquidation
This is a modern love story that tells us that true feelings can have no laws or boundaries. It would seem that what can be common between the main...
Not a Wedding Journey
Having accidentally committed a crime, Victor tries to evade responsibility and flees. He meets Nika and falls in love with her. The young people are...