FC Event held at Zepp Tokyo.
Morning Musume.'14 FC Event ~Premoni~
Abbreviated as Haro Chan (γγγγ£γ³), is the official mook by Hello! Project featuring it's members. Disc.1 (95),...
Hello! Channel Vol.12 ~Tanaka Reina Sotsugyou Special!~
Abbreviated as Haro Chan (γγγγ£γ³), is the official mook by Hello! Project featuring it's members. Disc.1 (94),...
Hello! Channel Vol.10 ~Tabi wo Shichaimashita! Special~
Abbreviated as Haro Chan (γγγγ£γ³), is the official mook by Hello! Project featuring it's members. Disc.1 (79),...
Hello! Channel Vol.9
Abbreviated as Haro Chan (γγγγ£γ³), is the official mook by Hello! Project featuring it's members. Disc.1 (110),...
Hello! Channel Vol.8
Abbreviated as Haro Chan (γγγγ£γ³), is the official mook by Hello! Project featuring it's members. Disc.1 (98),...
Hello! Channel Vol.11 ~2013nen Shinshun Tokudaigou Mano Erina Sotsugyou Special!~
Morning Musume.'18's Iikubo Haruna's special one-day autumn Graduation Concert held at Nippon Budokan.
Morning Musume '18 Concert Tour Aki ~GET SET, GO!~ Final Iikubo Haruna Sotsugyou Special
A film version of the psychic omnibus horror "Honto ni Atta Kowai Hanashi".
GekijΕ-ban: HontΕ ni Atta Kowai Hanashi 2019 Fuyu no Tokubetsu-hen
1st Photobook shot in Tokyo.
Morning Musume. 9γ»10ki 1st Official Photobook
At Differ Ariake they have their 1yr Anniversary with; questions, rankings, and obstacle race. Followed by the 10th Gen mini-live & Rehearsals.
Morning Musume. 10ki Member Event ~Iwaiγ»Ashita de 1 Shuunen! 11ki Member ga Haittekuru Mae ni Watashitachi Ganbaranai to!!~
[1] Variety of events at Differ Ariake, Members has; box-balance, musical chairs, talks, and a mini-live. [2] Variety of events at Differ Ariake,...
Morning Musume.'15 FC Event ~13nin Gakari no Christmas~
Variety of events at Differ Ariake; 10th Gen has; intro-song quiz, obstacle race, and Performances. Includes 'Off-Shot' bonus clips.
Morning Musume. 10ki Member Ohirome Event
9th & 10th Gen members in Hawaii do; interviews, normal & blind frisbee-golf, frisbee-bowling, image-shots, chats, and a banana-boat ride.
Alo-Hello! Morning Musume. 9γ»10ki
3rd Alo-Hello! group Photobook shot in Hawaii.
Alo-Hello! Morning Musume.'14 Shashinshuu
The members in Hawaii do; hula-hoop & pool-edge challenge, 'Beach Queen Battle' via flag-race & ballon-sumo, and 'Wet'n'Wild' park & a campfire.
Alo-Hello! 7 ~Morning Musume.~
Alo-Hello! Morning Musume. Shashinshuu 2012
The members in Hawaii do; water-shot battle, 'What is it?' game, and 6th-Gen secret word. Also includes 'Off-Shot' footage.
Alo-Hello! 6 ~Morning Musume.~
Dream Morning Musume. concert held at Nippon Budokan. Disc 1 (105mins), Disc 2 (51mins).
Dream Morning Musume. Special LIVE 2012 Nippon Budokan ~Dai Isshou Shuumaku "Yuusha Tachi, Shuugou Seyo"~
"Morning Musume. '16" and "Angerme" Battle at TFT Hall in; dancing 16 count, H!P triathlon, loud fight, and buzz-in quiz.
Morning Musume.'16 Γ ANGERME FC Event "GachiβKira Christmas Sen" - Christmas Battle
[1] Morning Musume. & Smileage members Battle in; dancing, 9-boxes, music intro-quiz with singing, and can-stacking to score points. [2] In Vol.2,...
Mosuma. FC Event ~GachiβKira~
Members compete in; 3-countdown pressure quiz, can-stacking & camera game, and musical chairs. Also includes various Performances.
Morning Musume.'16 Γ ANGERME FC Event "GachiβKira Christmas Sen" - Morning Musume.'16
Hello! Project concert held at Pacific Yokohama Exhibition Hall A / B Hall.
Hello! Project 2013 Spring Haru no Dai Kansha Hinamatsuri Festival 2013 ο½Berryz Koubou 10 Nenme Totsunyuu Special!ο½
Hello! Project concert held at Nakano Sunplaza Hall. Disc 1 (226mins), Disc 2 (154mins).
Hello! Project 2013 COUNTDOWN PARTY 2013-2014 ~GOODBYE & HELLO!~
Hello! Project concert held at Tokyo Hibiya Park Open Air Concert Hall.
Hello! Project 2013 Spring Yaon Premium LIVE ~Soto Fes~
Hello! Project concert held at Nakano Sunplaza Hall.
Hello! Project 2013 Summer COOL HELLO! ~Sorezoore!~
Hello! Project 2013 Summer COOL HELLO! ~Mazekooze!~
Hello! Project 2015 Summer ~CHALLENGER~
Hello! Project 2015 Winter ~DANCE MODE!~
Hello! Project concert held at Nakano Sunplaza Hall. Disc 1 (260mins), Disc 2 (168mins).
Hello! Project 2016 COUNTDOWN PARTY 2016-2017 ~GOODBYE & HELLO!~
Hello! Project concert held at Pacifico Yokohama Exhibition Hall A / B Hall. Disc 1 (135mins), Disc 2 (75mins).
Hello! Project 2016 Hina Fes ~β-ute Premium~
Hello! Project concert held in Yomiuri Land.
Hello! Project 2011 Autumn Hello! Project β Festival 2011 ~MOBEKIMASU~
Hello! Project 2016 Summer ~Rainbow Carnival~
Hello! Project concert held at Pacifico Yokohama Exhibition Hall A / B Hall. Disc 1 (129mins), Disc 2 (72mins).
Hello! Project 2016 Hina Fes ~Morning Musume.'16 Premium~
Hello! Project 2016 Summer ~Sunshine Parade~
Hello! Project concert held at Nakano Sunplaza Hall. Disc 1 (91mins), Disc 2 (85mins).
Hello! Project 2016 Winter ~DANCING! SINGING! EXCITING!~
Hello! Project concert held at Makuhari Messe International Exhibition Hall 1.
Hello! Project 2017 Hina Fes ~β-ute Premium~
Hello! Project concert held at Nakano Sunplaza Hall. Disc 1 (241mins), Disc 2 (131mins).
Hello! Project 2017 COUNTDOWN PARTY 2017-2018 ~GOODBYE & HELLO!~ Hello! Project 20th Anniversary!!
Hello! Project 2017 Hina Fes ~Morning Musume.'17 Premium~
Hello! Project 2017 Summer ~HELLO! MEETING~
Hello! Project 2017 Summer ~HELLO! GATHERING~
Hello! Project 2017 Winter ~Crystal Clear~
Hello! Project 2017 Winter ~Kaleidoscope~
Hello! Project 2013 Winter Tanjou 15 Shuunen Kinen Live 2013 Fuyu ~VIVA!~
Hello! Project 2012 Summer Tanjou 15 Shuunen Kinen Live 2012 Natsu ~Wkwk (Wakuwaku) Natsu no FAN Matsuri!~
Hello! Project concert held at Kobe Kokusai Kaikan Kokusai Hall & at Osaka's ORIX Theater. Disc 1 (235mins), Disc 2 (216mins).
Hello! Project 2014 COUNTDOWN PARTY 2014-2015 ~GOODBYE & HELLO!~
Hello! Project 2012 Summer Tanjou 15 Shuunen Kinen Live 2012 Natsu ~Ktkr (Kitakore) Natsu no Fan Matsuri!~
Hello! Project 2013 Winter Tanjou 15 Shuunen Kinen Live 2013 Fuyu ~BRAVO!~
Hello! Project 2012 Winter HelloβPro Tengoku ~Rock-chan~
Hello! Project concert held at Nakano Sunplaza Hall. Disc 1 (267mins), Disc 2 (181mins).
Hello! Project 2015 COUNTDOWN PARTY 2015-2016 ~GOODBYE & HELLO!~
Hello! Project 2012 Winter HelloβPro Tengoku ~Funky-chan~
Hello! Project 2018 Winter ~FULL SCORE~ Hello! Project 20th Anniversary!!
Hello! Project 2013 Spring Haru no Dai Kansha Hinamatsuri Festival 2013 ~Thank You For Your Love!~
Hello! Project 2018 Winter ~PERFECT SCORE~ Hello! Project 20th Anniversary!!
Hello! Project concert held at Sai no Kuni Kumagaya Dome Taiikukan.
Hello Pro All Stars 2018 Single Hatsubai Kinen Event ~Team Taikou Uta Gassen~
Hello! Project concert held at Sai no Kuni Kumagaya Dome Taiikukan. Disc 1 (137mins), Disc 2 (100mins).
Hello! Project 2018 Haro! Fes Hello! Project 20th Anniversary!!
Hello! Project concert held at Pacifico Yokohama Exhibition Hall A / B. Disc 1 (96mins), Disc 2 (128mins).
Hello! Project 2014 Hina Fes ~Full Course~ Main Dish wa Morning Musume.'14 Desu.
Hello! Project 2014 Summer ~KOREZO!~
Hello! Project 2014 Summer ~YAPPARI!~
Hello! Project 2014 Winter ~GOiSU MODE~
Hello! Project concert held at Pacifico Yokohama Exhibition Hall A / B Hall.
Hello! Project 2015 Hina Fes ~Mankai! The Girls' Festival~ ANGERME & Juice=Juice Premium
Hello! Project 2015 Hina Fes ~Mankai! The Girls' Festival~ Morning Musume.'15 Premium
Hello! Project 2014 Winter ~DE-HA MiX~
Hello! Project 2015 Hina Fes ~Mankai! The Girls' Festival~ β-ute Premium
At Odaiba's TFT HALL 1000, Kudo held a special Solo Live, performing various hits. Also features guess Haruna & Ogata.
Morning Musume.'17 Kudo Haruka Solo Special Live
5th Hawaii FC Tour; interviews, frisbee, photo-chance, game w/fans; name-how many, charades, ping-pong dash, ball-toss, and bracelet making. Also;...
Hawaii FC Tour 2012 ~Morning Musume.~
6th Hawaii FC Tour; interviews, choco-make, golf-train, Hula-dance, photo-chance, shake-count, broad-balance, ball-toss, charades, and Jankenpon....
Hawaii FC Tour 2014 ~Morning Musume.'14~
All Hello! Project Groups compete in a New Year's Ability Test Batte with; shuttlecock catch, ball-carry relay, and ballon-pop game. Also;...
Hello! Project DVD Magazine Vol.48
Hello! Project 2015 Summer ~DISCOVERY~
'Behind the Scenes', Games, & Intro of the 10th-Gen. And lots of 'Off-Shot' & 'Behind the Scenes Footage' of Ai-chan's Graduation Concert.
Hello Pro! TIME Vol.5
'Behind the Scenes Footage' of H!P's 2017 Sports Festival Games.
Hello! Project DVD Magazine Vol.53
All Hello! Project Groups compete in a Sports Festival Game Battle, with a; 50m sprint, ultra quiz, basketball long-throw, and an obstacle race....
Hello! Project DVD Magazine Vol.52
Divided into 2 groups, all Hello! Project members have free 'Girl Party Time'. They have various chats and play a panic card game. Disc 1 (70mins),...
Hello! Project DVD Magazine Vol.58
Hello! Project members compete in 'Dream Shuffle Battle' with; slipper toss, rhythm game, and ping-pong ball trial game. Also; picture sketch game,...
Hello! Project DVD Magazine Vol.55
The H!P members are shuffled & aim for 'Best Idol Unit' playing various games to see who reaches the game board's goal first. Disc 1 (79mins), Disc 2...
Hello! Project DVD Magazine Vol.56
On day 1, the Members; chat, box-balance, strain-quiz, team-haiku, gifts with photo-chance, and a mini-live. On day 2 & 3, the Members; box-balance,...
Hello! Project FC Event 2014 ~Hello! Xmas Days2β₯~ Morning Musume.'14
At Yamano Hall, Members play; member rankings, give-aways, & chats. Then a few Performances.
Hello! Project FC Event 2013 ~Hello! Xmas Daysβ₯~ Morning Musume.
Hello! Project concert held at Pacifico Yokohama Exhibition A/B Hall.
Hello! Project 2018 Hina Fes ~Hello! Project 20th Anniversary!! Premium~
Hello! Project 2018 Summer ~ALL FOR ONE~ Hello! Project 20th Anniversary!!
Hello! Project concert held at Nakano SunplazaHall.
Hello! Project 2018 Summer ~ONE FOR ALL~ Hello! Project 20th Anniversary!!
Hello! Project 2018 Hina Fes ~Morning Musume.'18 Premium~
Hello! Project 2018 Summer ~OG Corner 2~ Hello! Project 20th Anniversary!!
Variety of events at Tokyo FM Hall, Ayumi has; talks, child-photos, I'll answer any question, and Ayumi's Solo Performances.
Morning Musume.'14 Ishida Ayumi Birthday Event
Variety of events at Differ Ariake, Fuku-chan & Haruna have; which-side, common sense quiz, charades, and then a mini-live & 'Off-Shot'.
Fukumura Muzuki & Iikubo Haruna Birthday Event ~Koukousei NIGHT!!~
Various Sayu 'Off-Shot' from DVDs, Lives, Rehearsals, Hawaii trip, photo-shoot, FC Events, and 'Behind the Scenes' final concert footage.
Michishige Camera Tokubetsu hen
Morning Musume. concert held at Shizuoka City Shimizu Cultural Center Hall.
Morning Musume. 2012 Autumn Tanjou 15 Shuunen Kinen ~Colorful Character~
Morning Musume. concert held at Nippon Budokan.
Morning Musume. 2013 Autumn ~CHANCE!~
Morning Musume.'s Takahashi Ai's Graduation Concert held at Nippon Budokan. Disc 1 (105mins), Disc 2 (80mins).
Morning Musume. 2011 Autumn Ai BELIEVE ~Takahashi Ai Sotsugyou Kinen Special~
10th Gen Debuts in Morning Musume.'s Niigaki Risa & Mitsui Aika's Graduation Concert held at Nippon Budokan. Disc 1 (114mins), Disc 2 (87mins).
Morning Musume. 2012 Spring ~Ultra Smart~ Niigaki Risa & Mitsui Aika Sotsugyou Special
Mini-Live performed for "Rock in Japan Fes. 2018" held at Hitachi Seaside Park in Ibaraki Perfecture. Plus Bonus video & 'Making-Of'.
Best! Morning Musume. 20th Anniversary
Haruna's Solo-Angle DVD of the Morning Musume. concert held at Nippon Budokan.
Morning Musume. 2013 Spring Solo Iikubo Haruna MichishigeβEleven SOUL ~Tanaka Reina Sotsugyou Kinen Special~
11th Gen Debuts in Morning Musume.'s Tanaka Reina's Graduation Concert held at Nippon Budokan.
Morning Musume. 2013 Spring MichishigeβEleven SOUL ~Tanaka Reina Sotsugyou Kinen Special~
Morning Musume.'15 concert held at Nippon Budokan. Also Sayashi Riho's last concert as a member of Morning Musume.'15.
Morning Musume.'15 2015 Autumn ~PRISM~
14th Gen Debuts in Morning Musume.'17's Kudo Haruka's Graduation Concert held at Nippon Budokan. Disc 1 (170mins), Disc 2 (128mins), Disc 3 (104mins).
Morning Musume.'17 2017 Autumn Tanjou 20 Shuunen Kinen ~We are MORNING MUSUME.~ Kudo Haruka Sotsugyou Special
13th Gen Debuts in this Morning Musume.'17 concert held at Okayama Civic Hall.
Morning Musume.'17 2017 Spring ~THE INSPIRATION!~
Morning Musume.'16's Suzuki Kanon's Graduation Concert held at Nippon Budokan.
Morning Musume.'16 2016 Spring ~EMOTION IN MOTION~ Suzuki Kanon Sotsugyou Special
Morning Musume.'14 concert held at Kawaguchiko Stellar Theater.
Morning Musume.'14 2014 Spring ~EVOLUTION~
Morning Musume.'18's Ogata Haruna's Graduation Concert held at Nippon Budokan.
Morning Musume.'18 2018 Spring Tanjou 20 Shuunen Kinen ~We are MORNING MUSUME.~ Final Ogata Haruna Sotsugyou Special
Morning Musume.'14's Michishige Sayumi's Graduation Concert held at Yokohama Arena.
Morning Musume.'14 2014 Autumn GIVE ME MORE LOVE ~Michishige Sayumi Sotsugyou Kinen Special~
Held at Shinagawa Intercity Hall, the Members' Special Concert for their 14th Album release.
Morning Musume.'14 Special Event in Shinagawa
Morning Musume.'16 concert held at Nippon Budokan.
Morning Musume.'16 2016 Autumn ~MY VISION~
Morning Musume.'18's Iikubo Haruna's Graduation Concert held at Nippon Budokan. Disc 1 (162mins), Disc 2 (17mins).
Morning Musume.'18 2018 Autumn ~GET SET, GO!~ Final Iikubo Haruna Sotsugyou Special
FC Tour in Yamanashi's 'Fuji-Q Highland' Park they have; cheki photo, talks, as park guides, clown & Saru show, & making a berry porridge. Also;...
Morning Days Happy Holiday 10ki Member Iikubo Harunaγ»Ishida Ayumiγ»Sato Masakiγ»Kudo Haruka FC Tour in Yamanashi
The Members travel to Mexico's Mexico City for this International Concert held at El Plaza Condesa.
Morning Musume.'18 Live Concert in Mexico City
The Members travel to Taiwan's Capital Taipei for this International Concert at ATT Show Box titled...
Morning Musume.'16 Live Concert in Taipei
Members' Taipei activities; promo talks, cooking, skyrails, Zhinangong Hiking Trail, TV show appearance, shopping, Rehearsals, & Backstage.
Morning Musume.'16 Taipei Documentary
Mexico activities; shopping & backstage. NY activities; shopping, Anisong World Anime Matsuri Convention's autograph & hi-touch.
Morning Musume.'18 Mexico City & NYC Documentary
They travel to New York for this International Concert held at the Best Buy Theater. Also 'Making-Of' and 'Off-Shot' tourism footage.
Morning Musume.'14 Live Concert in New York
The Members travel to China's Hong Kong for this International Concert held at KITEC Star Hall, tilied...
Morning Musume.'17 Live Concert in Hong Kong
Special PB shot in the member's hometown of; Kanagawa, Saitama, Hokkaido, Miyagi, Tokyo, Aichi, Hiroshima, Fukuoka, and Yamaguchi.
Morning Musume. 15th Anniversary Photobook ZERO
The Members travel to USA's Houston for this International Concert held as part of Anime Matsuri at George R. Brown Convention Center.
Morning Musume.'16 Live Concert in Houston
Members' Houston activities; shopping, fair rides, Anime Matsuri Convention Q&A & Handshake events, & at Space Center Houston.
Morning Musume.'16 Houston Documentary
The Members' Honk Kong activities; promo talks, boat ride, Rehearsals, Backstage, & Fan High Fives.
Morning Musume.'17 Hong Kong Documentary
Haruna's Solo-Angle DVD of the Morning Musume. Concert held at Nippon Budokan.
Morning Musume. 2012 Spring Solo Iikubo Haruna ~Ultra Smart~ Niigaki Risa & Mitsui Aika Sotsugyou Special
Morning Musume.'15 concert held at Nippon Budokan.
Morning Musume.'15 2015 Spring ~GRADATION~
The 10ki Members make their DVD Magazine Debut and take part in "Ultra Smart Quiz" Battle with the 9ki Members as MC Host.
Morning Musume. DVD Magazine Vol.41
The 1st 'Tabehoudai' Showdown. Also 9ki & 10ki Battle in; posing, food relay-race, peanut-listen, body-kana, tea grading, 1foot-blind, Jankenpon, etc.
Morning Musume. DVD Magazine Vol.46
'Battle5' has 5 Members compete in; pudder-golf, catch & ricebowl, catch & cup, bow & arrow shot, and tug-of-war. Loser has balloon penalty.
Morning Musume. DVD Magazine Vol.52
'Behind the Scenes Concert Footage' of Morning Musume.'s 2012 Autumn "Tanjou 15 Shuunen Kinen ~Colorful Character~" Concert Tour Revisited.
Morning Musume. DVD Magazine Vol.50
'Behind the Scenes Concert Footage' of Niigaki Risa & Mitsui Aika's 2012 Spring "~Ultra Smart~ Sotsugyou Special" Concert Tour.
Morning Musume. DVD Magazine Vol.45
'Behind the Scenes Concert Footage' of Reina's 2013 Spring "Michishige Eleven SOUL ~Sotsugyou Kinen Special~" Concert Tour, Revisited 2.
Morning Musume. DVD Magazine Vol.56
12th-Gen make their Debut. Members travel to Chiba's "Romantic Forest Republic" to play; tag, strawberry-hunt, maze-run, and cook Curry.
Morning Musume.'15 DVD Magazine Vol.67
Members play 'Ballon Bomb' games, like; good pts of Sayu & Reina, ramen items, 2-kana oceans, song titles, proverbs, & flying things.
Morning Musume. DVD Magazine Vol.44
'Behind the Scenes Concert Footage' of Niigaki Risa & Mitsui Aika's 2012 Spring "~Ultra Smart~ Sotsugyou Special" Concert Tour Revisited.
Morning Musume. DVD Magazine Vol.47
11th-Gen Debuts. Also the Members have fun split into; 'Kappa's Room', 'Produced by Michishige Sayumi', & 'Let's Make Soul Food' groups.
Morning Musume. DVD Magazine Vol.48
'Behind the Scenes Concert Footage' of Tanaka Reina's 2013 Spring "Michishige Eleven SOUL ~Sotsugyou Kinen Special~" Concert Tour.
Morning Musume. DVD Magazine Vol.54
'Behind the Scenes Concert Footage' of Reina's 2013 Spring "Michishige Eleven SOUL ~Sotsugyou Kinen Special~" Concert Tour, Revisited.
Morning Musume. DVD Magazine Vol.55
Members play 'Challenge the 14' with; kendama-14, push-ups-14, jump rope-14, water coins-14, ball toss-14, foot-pain-14, and various others.
Morning Musume.'14 DVD Magazine Vol.58
'Behind the Scenes Concert Footage' of Morning Musume.'s 2013 Autumn "~CHANCE!~" Concert Tour, Revisited.
Morning Musume.'14 DVD Magazine Vol.62
2nd 'Tabehoudai' Showdown with Kenshuusei. Members are split into 4 Teams and battle in various games Backstage. Hamamatsu trip footage.
Morning Musume.'14 DVD Magazine Vol.65
Members go to Summer Camp at Tokyo's "America Camp Village". They fun with; fireworks, playing with bubbles & water-guns, fishing, and barbecue.
Morning Musume.'15 DVD Magazine Vol.74
'Behind the Scenes Footage' of photo-shoot Making Of; "Ultra Smart" & "Pyoko Pyoko Ultra". And Making Of "Pyoko Pyoko Ultra" MV.
Morning Musume. DVD Magazine Vol.43
'Behind the Scenes Concert Footage' of Morning Musume.'s 2012 Autumn "Tanjou 15 Shuunen Kinen ~Colorful Character~" Concert Tour.
Morning Musume. DVD Magazine Vol.49
During their "~CHANCE!~ Tour, the Members are divided into East & West Teams and compete in various games. Includes Backstage Footage.
Morning Musume.'14 DVD Magazine Vol.61
'Behind the Scenes Concert Footage' of Morning Musume.'s 2014 Spring "~Evolution~" Concert Tour.
Morning Musume.'14 DVD Magazine Vol.64
We Revisit the Members at "America Camp Village" for fun with; making bed, eating breakfast, suikawari, taking on the 'Athletic'/maze trials.
Morning Musume.'15 DVD Magazine Vol.76
'Behind the Scenes Concert Footage' of Suzuki Kanon's 2016 Spring "~EMOTION IN MOTION~ Sotsugyou Special" Concert Tour, Revisited 3.
Morning Musume.'17 DVD Magazine Vol.90
'Behind the Scenes Concert Footage' of Morning Musume.'s 2015 Spring "~GRADATION~" Concert Tour, Revisited.
Morning Musume.'15 DVD Magazine Vol.78
'Behind the Scenes Concert Footage' of Sayu's 2014 Autumn "GIVE ME MORE LOVE ~Sotsugyou Kinen Special~" Concert Tour, Revisited 3 + 12th-Gen.
Morning Musume.'15 DVD Magazine Vol.72
The Members attend school and have fun with; shodou, cooking, pranking, 'anything basket' game, dodge-ball, a 50m race, and tag.
Morning Musume.'16 DVD Magazine Vol.80
'Behind the Scenes Concert Footage' of Morning Musume.'s 2013 Winter "Naruchika 2013" Concert Events Special.
Morning Musume.'14 DVD Magazine Vol.59
'Behind the Scenes Concert Footage' of Michishige Sayumi's 2014 Autumn "GIVE ME MORE LOVE ~Sotsugyou Kinen Special~" Concert Tour.
Morning Musume.'15 DVD Magazine Vol.68
'Behind the Scenes Concert Footage' of Sayu's 2014 Autumn "GIVE ME MORE LOVE ~Sotsugyou Kinen Special~" Concert Tour, Revisited.
Morning Musume.'15 DVD Magazine Vol.69
'Behind the Scenes Concert Footage' of Suzuki Kanon's 2016 Spring "~EMOTION IN MOTION~ Sotsugyou Special" Concert Tour.
Morning Musume.'16 DVD Magazine Vol.87
PV Discography of all Morning Musume.'s music videos from their 52nd to 57th Single.
Eizouzaγ»Morning Musume. 8 ~Single M Clips~
'Behind the Scenes Concert Footage' of Suzuki Kanon's 2016 Spring "~EMOTION IN MOTION~ Sotsugyou Special" Concert Tour, Revisited 2.
Morning Musume.'16 DVD Magazine Vol.89
'Behind the Scenes Concert Footage' of Sayu's 2014 Autumn "GIVE ME MORE LOVE ~Sotsugyou Kinen Special~" Concert Tour, Revisited 2.
Morning Musume.'15 DVD Magazine Vol.71
'Behind the Scenes Concert Footage' of Morning Musume.'s 2015 Spring "~GRADATION~" Concert Tour.
Morning Musume.'15 DVD Magazine Vol.77
'Behind the Scenes Concert Footage' of Morning Musume.'s 2015 Autumn "~PRISM~" Concert Tour. Sayashi Riho's last Concert Tour.
Morning Musume.'16 DVD Magazine Vol.81
'Behind the Scenes Concert Footage' of Morning Musume.'s 2015 Autumn "~PRISM~" Concert Tour. Sayashi Riho's last Concert Tour, Revisited.
Morning Musume.'16 DVD Magazine Vol.82
Morning Musume. DVD Magazine Vol.51
'Behind the Scenes Concert Footage' of Morning Musume.'s 2013 Autumn "~CHANCE!~" Concert Tour.
Morning Musume.'14 DVD Magazine Vol.60
'Behind the Scenes Concert Footage' of Morning Musume.'s 2015 Autumn "~PRISM~" Concert Tour. Sayashi Riho's last Concert Tour, Revisited 2.
Morning Musume.'16 DVD Magazine Vol.83
Members are divided into Teams ABC at 'Hybrid Leisure Land Tobu Zoo' amusement park and enjoy the park and Roll Dice for points to win.
Morning Musume. DVD Magazine Vol.53
'Behind the Scenes Concert Footage' of Morning Musume.'s 2014 Spring "~Evolution~" Concert Tour, Revisited.
Morning Musume.'14 DVD Magazine Vol.66
Morning Musume.'15 DVD Magazine Vol.75
PV Discography of all Morning Musume.'s music videos from their 46th to 51st Single.
Eizouzaγ»Morning Musume. 7 ~Single M Clips~
Sayu & Kudo judge the Members' best new drawn character names. Then all the Members team-up and compete in the 'Cameraman Grand Prix'.
Morning Musume. DVD Magazine Vol.57
The Members spend a summer day at a private home and; barbecue, look at baby photos, play 'guard-dog' & '5-card match'. They also wear Yukatas.
Morning Musume.'14 DVD Magazine Vol.63
Members have a "Sports Day" and play games like: 3-legged relay, PK, tail-removal, team tug-of-war, jesucha, and ending with an obstacle race.
Morning Musume.'16 DVD Magazine Vol.86
As West vs East teams, the Members battle in; batting, don't laugh, musical chairs, 1-on-1 tug-of-war, don't react-drink, Jankenpon, flour-candy-find.
Morning Musume.'16 DVD Magazine Vol.85
'Behind the Scenes Concert Footage' of Morning Musume.'s 2015 Autumn "~PRISM~" Concert Tour. Sayashi Riho's last Concert Tour, Revisited 3.
Morning Musume.'16 DVD Magazine Vol.84
'Behind the Scenes Concert Footage' of Suzuki Kanon's 2016 Spring "~EMOTION IN MOTION~ Sotsugyou Special" Concert Tour, Revisited.
Morning Musume.'16 DVD Magazine Vol.88
A story in the future at a time where girls aged 14-16 are dying insane and being reborn as zombies, and are called "Stacies".
Stacies Shoujo Saisatsu Kageki ~The Musical~
Tanaka's Graduation Concert Tour Photobook shot in Nippon Budokan.
Morning Musume. 2013 Spring Live Photobook MichishigeβEleven SOUL ~Tanaka Reina Sotsugyou Kinen Special~
Based on the work ~a~ by Kuramochi Fusako, a shoujo master. The selected Sci-Fi fantasy story makes its debut stage! with ~a~ & ~b~ perspective. Disc...
TRIANGLE ~The Musical~
We Revisit the Members Summer Camping in Yamanashi having fun; smell-who, wink-murder, card-memory, suikawari, and water-sports.
Morning Musume.'17 DVD Magazine Vol.101
At Chiba's "Tokyo German Village" the Members split-up and play; on swings, tube-slides, fishing, fair rides & games, archery, golf, and turf slide.
Morning Musume.'18 DVD Magazine Vol.112
'Behind the Scenes Concert Footage' of Morning Musume.'s 2016 Autumn "~MY VISION~" Concert Tour, Revisited 2.
Morning Musume.'17 DVD Magazine Vol.96
10th-Gen Members Do; berry-hunting at "Asunaro Gardens", explore "Kawaguchiko Music Forest Museum", and rides at "Fuji-Q Highland Park".
Morning Musume.'17 DVD Magazine Vol.105
'Behind the Scenes Concert Footage' of Kudo's 2017 Autumn "Tanjou 20 Shuunen Kinen ~We are MORNING MUSUME.~" Grad Concert Tour.
Morning Musume.'18 DVD Magazine Vol.107
'Behind the Scenes Concert Footage' of Ogata's 2018 Spring "Tanjou 20 Shuunen Kinen ~We are MORNING MUSUME.~" Graduation Concert Tour.
Morning Musume.'18 DVD Magazine Vol.113
'Behind the Scenes Concert Footage' of Kudo's 2017 Fall "Tanjou 20 Shuunen Kinen ~We are MORNING MUSUME.~" Graduation Concert Tour, Revisited 2.
Morning Musume.'18 DVD Magazine Vol.110
'Behind the Scenes Concert Footage' of Morning Musume.'s 2017 Spring "~THE INSPIRATION!~" Concert Tour.
Morning Musume.'17 DVD Magazine Vol.98
'Behind the Scenes Concert Footage' of Morning Musume.'s 2017 Spring "~THE INSPIRATION!~" Concert Tour, Revisited.
Morning Musume.'17 DVD Magazine Vol.102
At "Dreamy Kawaguchiko Cottage Tozawa Center" Chii-chan Debuts & the Members do; fireworks, sleepover, suikawari, berry-hunt, & water-sport.
Morning Musume.'17 DVD Magazine Vol.97
'Behind the Scenes Concert Footage' of Ogata's 2018 Spring "Tanjou 20 Shuunen Kinen ~We are MORNING MUSUME.~" Grad Tour, Revisited 2.
Morning Musume.'18 DVD Magazine Vol.115
'Behind the Scenes Concert Footage' of Kudo's 2017 Fall "Tanjou 20 Shuunen Kinen ~We are MORNING MUSUME.~" Graduation Concert Tour, Revisited.
Morning Musume.'18 DVD Magazine Vol.108
The 13th-Gen Members make their Debut. Divided into groups, the Members go to school to solve and challenge it's 'Mystery Trials'.
Morning Musume.'17 DVD Magazine Vol.91
'Behind the Scenes Concert Footage' of Morning Musume.'s 2016 Autumn "~MY VISION~" Concert Tour.
Morning Musume.'17 DVD Magazine Vol.92
The Members stars in a School Love Drama Short Story Special of Love Triangles & Misunderstandings. Includes Bloopers.
Morning Musume.'17 DVD Magazine Vol.100
'Behind the Scenes Concert Footage' of Ogata's 2018 Spring "Tanjou 20 Shuunen Kinen~We are MORNING MUSUME.~" Grad Tour, Revisited.
Morning Musume.'18 DVD Magazine Vol.114
Sun & Moon Teams divided Members Battle again in; PK, limbo, 1-on-1 tug-of-war, musical-chairs, don't laugh, dodge-ball, and Jankenpon.
Morning Musume.'18 DVD Magazine Vol.109
At "Sports Entertainment Round 1 Stadium" they do; archery, air hockey, hoops, mini-bikes, battle-pool, batting, golf, shake, arcade, & rodeo machine.
Morning Musume.'18 DVD Magazine Vol.106
'Behind the Scenes Concert Footage' of Morning Musume.'s 2016 Autumn "~MY VISION~" Concert Tour, Revisited.
Morning Musume.'17 DVD Magazine Vol.93
Divided into Sun & Moon teams, the Members battle in; limbo, card-dash, don't laugh, musical-chairs, 1-on-1 tug-of-war, dodge-ball, & Jankenpon.
Morning Musume.'17 DVD Magazine Vol.95
'Behind the Scenes Footage' of the Members during their 2018 Calendar photo-shoot. And they play a members-knowledge game.
Morning Musume.'17 DVD Magazine Vol.99
'Behind the Scenes Footage' & 'Making-Of' the Members' School Love Drama Short Story Special of Love Triangles & Misunderstandings.
Morning Musume.'17 DVD Magazine Vol.103
Includes Extended Scenes of the Members from the prior 'Mystery Trials' at School DVD. Also includes 'Behind the Scenes' pranks and talks.
Morning Musume.'17 DVD Magazine Vol.94
'Behind the Scenes Concert Footage' of Morning Musume.'s 2017 Spring "~THE INSPIRATION!~" Concert Tour, Revisited 2.
Morning Musume.'17 DVD Magazine Vol.104
The Members celebrate their 16th Anniversary at Belle Salle Shibuya Garden and perform various hits.
Morning Musume. Tanjou 16 Shuunen Kinen Event "Watashitachi ga, Ima no Morning Musume. desu. 17 Nenme mo, Saa, Ikou ka."
Special event celebrating BS-TBS's 15th anniversary of broadcasting. Features best 15 ranked song Performances from Morning Musume..
BS-TBS Kaikyoku 15 Shuunen Tokubetsu Kikaku COOL JAPAN ~DOU~ Best Fifteen ~Morning Musume.'15 Hen~
A musical adaptation of Takemiya Keiko's manga about star-crossed lovers during an era of war in Egypt 4,000 years ago.
Pharaoh no Haka ~The Musical~
'Behind the Scenes Concert Footage' of Haruna's 2018 Autumn "~GET SET, GO!~" Grad Concert Tour. Revisited. +Bonus: visit to Ise Shrine for Anko.
Morning Musume.'19 DVD Magazine Vol.118
'Behind the Scenes Concert Footage' of Haruna's 2018 Autumn "~GET SET, GO!~" Graduation Concert Tour.
Morning Musume.'19 DVD Magazine Vol.117
Variety of events at Differ Ariake; talk, member & intro quiz, 'Maa-chan's Variety Show", "Makino's Trouble Cafe", "Akane's Room", plus mini-live.
Morning Musume.'18 FC Event ~Kessei Kinen Play Moni. Dai Kanshasai! 22 Nenme mo Ikimasshoi!~
Variety of events at Differ Ariake, Morning Musume. has; talks, charades, musical chairs, and a mini-live. Also; perfect-match, sexy-phrase-panic,...
Morning Musume.'17 Christmas FC Event ~Play Moni. 2~
Riho events; moe phrases, ramen-rangers, plus live. Maa-chan events; piano recital, russian cream-puff, top art, acting, moe phrase, plus live.
Morning Musume. 9ki Member Event ~Iwai Tanjoubi! Kanpai wa, Shuwa Shuwa Pon! HyaaHo~i! βͺ( ´θο½)γ~ / Morning Musume. 10ki Member Event ~Iwai Tanjoubi οΌΌ(^O^)οΌ Konya no Shuyaku wa... Maa-chan!~
The Finale contains Ranking Announcement, and "Morning Musume.'16" and "ANGERME" Battle in the final game; "Acchi Muite Hoi". Follow by a Special...
Morning Musume.'16 Γ ANGERME FC Event "GachiβKira Christmas Sen" - Christmas Battle FINALE
Hello! Project 2015 Winter ~HAPPY EMOTION!~
Hello! Project 2017 Hina Fes ~ANGERME & Juice=Juice Premium~
Hello! Project 2017 Hina Fes ~Tsugunaga Momoko Premium~
Hello! Project 2018 Hina Fes ~Morning Musume. 20th Anniversary!! Premium~
Hello! Project 2018 Hina Fes ~ANGERME & Juice=Juice Premium~
Backstage concert footage and rehearsal for the Hello! Project 2012 Winter HelloβPro Tengoku concert tour.
Hello! Project DVD Magazine Vol.29
Members host and guest star on a special H!P Radio Show. Disc 1 (75mins), Disc 2 (80mins).
Hello! Project DVD Magazine Vol.28
Members play; draw-broad question quiz game.
Hello! Project DVD Magazine Vol.30
Members host and guest star on the 2nd special H!P Radio Show. Disc 1 (96mins), Disc 2 (99mins).
Hello! Project DVD Magazine Vol.34
In these Hina Matsuri theme DVD, the members play; haiku poem, matsuri-doll placement, speed, russian-tea, don't laugh, and script role-play.
Hello! Project DVD Magazine Vol.35
Members compete in 15sec challenges including; thread-the-needle, how many colors do you know, domino-standing, hiragana-writing, and stop-watch...
Hello! Project DVD Magazine Vol.31
Special Tsunku Club Talk Show.
Hello! Project DVD Magazine Vol.33
Members play; do what the cards say game.
Hello! Project DVD Magazine Vol.32
Special Tsunku Club Talk Show 2 DX. Disc 1 (109mins), Disc 2 (83mins).
Hello! Project DVD Magazine Vol.36
It features behind the scenes footage of the Morning Musume '18 Concert Tour Aki ~GET SET, GO!~, from December 8 at Kishiwada Shiritsu Namikiri Hall...
Morning Musume.'19 DVD Magazine Vol.119
The members of Morning Musume.'19 pray for the success of their fall 2019 tour at Konjo-in Temple and are divided into three teams for the huge...
Morning Musume.'19 DVD Magazine Vol.120
Members are divided into groups eat, talk, and play making a CM. Disc 1 (73mins), Disc 2 (90mins).
Hello! Project DVD Magazine Vol.38
Backstage footage and Rehearsal for the Hello! Project Tanjou 15 Shuunen Kinen Live 2013 Winter concert tour.
Hello! Project DVD Magazine Vol.37
Members play various game to win a treat; ice-water marble-picking, russian creampuff, popup pirate, chain-pictionary, team kanji reading and holiday...
Hello! Project DVD Magazine Vol.40
Members compete various games; ballon-untaping, glasses-removing, and flying ballon-catching. Disc 1 (63mins), Disc 2 (48mins).
Hello! Project DVD Magazine Vol.41
Members talk and do shodou of their kanji that represents 2013. Also includes Backstage footage of various events and first DVD appearance of...
Hello! Project DVD Magazine Vol.39
Members battle in; bath-towel catching, drawing messages, and triathlon. Disc 1 (66mins), Disc 2 (54mins).
Hello! Project DVD Magazine Vol.42
Members in random groups have causal girl talk on various subject for the new year. Disc 1 (110mins), Disc 2 (90mins).
Hello! Project DVD Magazine Vol.44
Members one-shot talk interviews of 2014.
Hello! Project DVD Magazine Vol.43
Members celebrate hina-matsuri 2015 with girl talk. Disc 1 (99mins), Disc 2 (77mins).
Hello! Project DVD Magazine Vol.45
Members have random interviews in a telephone booth, and sometimes, a dokkiri. Disc 1 (85mins), Disc 2 (54mins).
Hello! Project DVD Magazine Vol.47
Members are randomly grouped and prepare Bento boxes. Disc 1 (106mins), Disc 2 (94mins).
Hello! Project DVD Magazine Vol.49
Members in random groups play; yakiniku, strike-out, monomane, beach volleyball, kakigouri, suikawari, horror stories, target shooting, and fondue....
Hello! Project DVD Magazine Vol.46
Members in random groups play; face-balance, ballon bowling, and shake-shake count. Disc 1 (85mins), Disc 2 (80mins).
Hello! Project DVD Magazine Vol.50
Members play; host and guest-stars in "Hina-TV". Disc 1 (87mins), Disc 2 (74mins).
Hello! Project DVD Magazine Vol.54
Each member talks about their 2016 memories. Disc 1 (85mins), Disc 2 (64mins).
Hello! Project DVD Magazine Vol.51
THE FIERY SPEECHES. In this DVD, each of the 55 Hello! Project members talk about something they're fired up about the most! Their time limits are...
Hello! Project DVD Magazine Vol.60
It features games (ballon-theme, cards), themed conversations, and rankings from the girls' party that did not make it into Vol.58. Disc 1 (73mins),...
Hello! Project DVD Magazine Vol.59
Hello! Project celebrates Hinamatsuri with "Hina Theater" skits!? The members are separated into groups, draw for their roles, and improvise their...
Hello! Project DVD Magazine Vol.57
The 13th volume of the Petit Best series of Hello! Project, which are annual compilations released at the end of the year that feature best hits from...
Petit Best 13
The 14th volume of Hello! Project Petit Best series, which are annual compilations released at the end of the year, with an occasional remix or new...
Petit Best 14
The 15th volume of Hello! Project Petit Best series, which are annual compilations released at the end of the year, with an occasional remix or new...
Petit Best 15
The 18th volume of Hello! Project's Petit Best series, which are annual compilations released at the end of the year, with an occasional remix or new...
Petit Best 18
The 19th volume of Hello! Project's Petit Best series, which are annual compilations released at the end of the year, with an occasional remix or new...
Petit Best 19
The 17th volume of Hello! Project's Petit Best series, which are annual compilations released at the end of the year, with an occasional remix or new...
Petit Best 17
The 16th volume of Hello! Project's Petit Best series, which are annual compilations released at the end of the year, with an occasional remix or new...
Petit Best 16
The 20th volume of Hello! Project's Petit Best series, which are annual compilations released at the end of the year, with an occasional remix or new...
Petit Best 20 2020
Hello! Project concert held at Nakano Sun Plaza Hall. Disc 1 (110mins), Disc 2 (107mins).
Hello! Project 2020 Winter ~HELLO! PROJECT IS [γγγγγ]~
S/mileage's first Nippon Budokan live. It took place on July 15, 2014.
S/mileage 2014 Summer LIVE FULL CHARGE ~715 Nippon Budokan~
Abbreviated as Haro Chan (γγγγ£γ³), is the official mook by Hello! Project featuring it's members. Disc 1 (111mins),...
Hello! Channel Vol.7
It includes music videos and making-of footage of the first wave of SATOYAMA releases.
Variety of events at Namba Hatch, Morning Musume. has; VTR, 1-minute conversation, Taiko Drums Sword-fighting, and Performances. Includes an...
Morning Musume. FC Event 2013 ~Morning Labo! β £~
Variety of events at Differ Ariake, Morning Musume. has; VTR, quiz battle, imagination circus corner, and Performances. Includes an 'Off-Shot' bonus...
Morning Musume. FC Event 2012 ~Morning Labo! β ’~
The second annual Niigaki-san wo Ouen Suru Kai event hosted by Ikuta Erina, with guests Iikubo Haruna and Oda Sakura. It was held at Laforet Museum...
Niigaki-san wo Ouen Suru Kai Dai Nikai Kaigou ~Ikuta no Tanjoubi dakedo, Yappari Kyou mo Niigaki-san wo Ouen Suru Kai~
PV Discography of all Morning Musume.'s music videos from their 58th to 69th Single. Disc 1 (180mins), Disc 2 (232mins).
Eizouzaγ»Morning Musume. 9 ~Single M Clips~
Special event celebrating BS-TBS's 12th anniversary of broadcasting.
BS-TBS Summer Party 2012 Onna Nihonbuyo (Japanese Idol Style)
Iikubo's Solo DVD angle of the Morning Musume. concert held at Kawaguchiko Stellar Theater.
Morning Musume.'14 2014 Spring Solo Iikubo Haruna ~EVOLUTION~
Iikubo's Solo DVD angle of the Morning Musume. concert held at Nippon Budokan.
Morning Musume. 2013 Autumn Solo Iikubo Haruna ~CHANCE!~
Iikubo's Solo-Angle DVD of the Morning Musume. concert held at Shizuoka City Shimizu Cultural Center Hall.
Morning Musume. 2012 Autumn Solo Iikubo Haruna Tanjou 15 Shuunen Kinen ~Colorful Character~