Easily one of the most brainbreaking sensory overloads in exploitation history, the story follows Dr. Humpp and his army of grotesque monsters as...
The Curious Dr. Humpp
Film that includes three short films by different authors about love: "O pacto" by Eduardo Coutinho, "Terrible Night" by Rodolfo Kuhn, and "Magic...
The ABC of Love
Así es Buenos Aires
Ofelia's wedding day is approaching and she is to be married to Eduaurdo. She has some pre-wedding jitters during a meeting with her lover Gustavo...
Blood of the Virgins
A succession of television broadcasts has unexpected and terrifying effects on the minds of viewers.
Stay Tuned for Terror
A masked killer prowls the beaches of Argentina, injecting beautiful girls with heroin, and then using weird organ music to make them his zombie...
The Deadly Organ
The police, led by Inspector Ibanez, are baffled by the murders of several attractive female dancers who all work on a musical TV show that features...
The Naked Beast