Documentary about the history of German television.
Fernsehgeschichte(n). Deutsch
The film delves into the life and work of the filmmaker Georg Stefan Troller, linking clips from films with his astute self-analysis.
Interpretation of Reality – Georg Stefan Troller
Reencounter with a myth. 40 years since Georg Stefan Troller reported from his adopted home in "Pariser Journal," he returns to his old haunts. A...
Days and Nights in Paris
Georg Stefan Troller, born in Vienna in 1921, crossed half of Europe as a refugee only to return with the US army in 1945 . As a filmmaker he became...
Unter Deutschen
Am Rande der bewohnbaren Welt - Das Leben des Dichters Arthur Rimbaud
Bennent mal vier
La Violencia - Gewalt in Guatemala
Land im Todesfieber - Über Gewalt in Guatemala
Wolfgang Clement - Ein deutscher Politiker
Various Hollywood people talk about love.
Love in Hollywood
Documentary about antisemitic pogroms in Nazi Germany.
Die Feuerprobe - Novemberpogrom 1938
The US writer Henry Miller (1891-1980), scandalous and nonconformist creator, hated by the most recalcitrant puritans, was a vilified genius,...
Henry Miller: Prophet of Desire