Sofia, a budding young theater actress, unwittingly discovers that Bruno, her beloved acting teacher, is gay. Heartbroken and determined to flee as...
The Sweet Sounds of Life
Giovanni is a criminal lawyer who is successful both at work and with women, despite a happy marriage. One day, however, his life is turned upside...
Nicola, paralyzed after a car crash, falls in love for his physiotherapist Lucia. Franco and Manuela, a young couple unfit to have children, fly to...
Manual of Love 2
A relationship develops between seasoned actor Stefano and his young, ambitious co-star Laura when they are cast as the two leads in a film. Stefano...
The Life I Want
Olga's life is shattered when her husband leaves her. This makes her fall into a period of self-degradation and self-destructive behaviors.
The Days of Abandonment
Il grande botto