A mother and daughter move to a small French town where they open a chocolate shop. The town, religious and morally strict, is against them, as they...
A new kid in town assembles a fledgling rock band — together, they achieve their dreams and compete against the best in the biggest event of...
Sylvia Stickles runs a convenience store with her husband and mother-in-law. One day, Sylvia is hit on the head and transforms from an uptight prude...
A Dirty Shame
Four very different high school teenagers battle trolls, ghouls and a dark leader of them named Maldark in a video game that goes haywire and...
Level Up
In The Secret Lives of Dorks, Payton (Gaelan Connell) is a pathetic dork, a comic book geek whose high school career is one hopeless faux pas after...
The Secret Lives of Dorks