When the jungle is threatened by a giant monster, a young Koati rises up to lead the animals in an epic fight to save their home. As the brave Koati...
Jungle Tales
A murder in a house in Tigre triggers an investigation in the sphere of a political weekly. Crimes follow one another and the police can't solve the...
What Your Eyes Don't See
At late 19th Century, the Argentinean Pampa is changing. Martin Fierro is a renegade that fights against the power and corruption that try to...
Martin Fierro: The Movie
A Swedish journalist in Buenos Aires is about to reveal the circumstances surrounding the young Swedish-Argentine woman Lena Melin's disappearance....
Los dueños del silencio
A chess columnist ends in prison when one of his columns is mistakenly seen as a subversive attack. From there he invents a game of war and strategy...
Arcibel's Game
Based on the lives of four boys, all of different social classes and psychological makeup, this film tries to reflect through them the political...
The Children of the War
Love, passion and madness are found in this film packed with intrigue, tension and suspicion. Juan, an obsessive photographer who lives an isolated...
Marea de Arena
When the Germans invade Poland during World War II, a family of Jews seeks refuge in a well. Based on real events, the three survivors moved to...
Under the Earth
La redada
Después de ayer