Carmelo, who is 30-years old and extremely shy, finds it difficult to reveal his innermost feelings to Verónica, his co-worker. Carmelo's...
The action takes place in the year 2068, in which the head of a corporation governed chaotically the Southern Cone of the Americas. Dr. Crux is an...
Cóndor Crux
Lucho y Ramos
The Cenacle, a unique restaurant offers single-table work. In a ruined temple every night there is a last supper. Diners sitting at the table, define...
El espejo de los otros
After Michael Jackson died, a comedian have to decide what to do with his performance.
The Comedy Conquerors
Two rival families of different origin join the force by the love of two young. The journalist Ariel Cohen falls in love for Carla Rosi, while...
Cohen vs. Rosi
Inside a typical town, kids are menaced by the legend of the fearsome Patalarga. For their parents though, Patalarga is nothing more than a clever...
The Longleg
The film tells the life of Tito Pereyra since his childhood in a town of Tucuman (with an absent father) until the 1980 s in Buenos Aires, when...
Gato negro
Marcela Robledo, on the verge of losing her job on a gossip show, learns of a showbiz-related story whose public airing could change her fate.
La panelista: el circo de la realidad
Rosario, 1926. Magdalena and Anna Scilko, along with a group of women from the old continent, arrive to the city with the hope of a better future,...
The Paradise
A black cloud brings 1600 days of rain to Buenos Aires, while traffic and pedestrians move backwards. Aging actor Max (Eduardo Pavlovsky) runs the...
The Cloud
Que lo parió (Inodoro Pereyra)