Based on Chingiz Aitmatov’s novel "Farewell, Gyulsary!" The story of Tanabai the blacksmith, father of three children, who upon his return from...
Goodbye, Gyulsary!
There is a rather bizarre planet in the universe. The main character, who possesses magical powers, flies to Earth, where he meets and falls in love...
Bizzare World of Hopes and Dreams
The story of the hero of the Soviet Union, Manshuk Mametova, machine-gunner of the 21st Guards Rifle Division of the 3rd shock army of the Kalinin...
The Song of Manshuk
The film tells about the ambulance doctor Galia Ismailova, her worries and joys.
The Traces Go Beyond the Horizon
Kyz-Zhibek - Kazakh poetic folk legend of the 16th century, tells about the period in the Kazakh nation when the people suffered from bloody feuds....
Lady Zhibek
The young people fell in love with each other and decided to get married. The month they were given to reflect helped the characters to look at...
A Month to Think