In the shade of Malta’s scorching sun, around the edges of the Swedish online-gambling community, exiled con man Dimman shows up for a lavish...
Shame on Dry Land
Drama documentary based on the latest discovery of a 16th Century sailing shipwreck found close to Malta by an underwater research team led by...
Pirates & Slaves
Sophie Bellizzi is a hard-working perfectionist who is obsessed with getting her company off the ground. She has a strained relationship with her...
20,000 Reasons
Risking his life, Luke ventures to Rome to visit Paul -- the apostle who's bound in chains and held captive in Nero's darkest and bleakest prison...
Paul, Apostle of Christ
Two women are held together by the emotional distance between them. Faced by the question of creating a new life, their relationship hangs in the...
"The Mystery of Britannic" - a historical docudrama that reveals a unique scenery on the terrible fate of the sister ship of the famous Titanic,...
The Mystery of Britannic
How the citizens of Malta fought for independence from Britain in 1919. When the Army was sent to quell the riots and the British government covered...
Blood on the Crown
When the newly renovated Hotel Optima in Malta has a grand reopening, Chloe and her team from Destination Traveler Magazine, head over to cover the...
To Catch a Spy
Based on the novel by Alex Vella Gera, the film follows father and son Richard and Noel Sammut Petri, as hidden plans from 1984, weigh down on lives...
A Vipers' Pit
In a strange place where daily broadcasts require everyone to “keep the silence”, the long-isolated residents of Edifice 129, trapped in...
Edifice 129