An urban comedy of identity lost and found via sexual indiscretions, Frances is initially a bored 9-to-5-er. She comes to the much-prolonged decision...
Little Shots of Happiness
A first person narrative of the exploits of a gay serial killer in deeply disturbing, controversial drama about violence, sexuality, and the...
A young married couple living year round on Cape Cod face the winter season uncertain of their future, apart or together.
The Trouble With Perpetual Deja-Vu
Stan, a cross-dresser, inherits a house haunted by his parents.
Todd Verow’s long lost first feature shot on a PXL Fisher Price kid’s video camera (which recorded black and white, high contrast,...
Suzanne Fountain moves to NYC and plummets headlong into a twisted wonderland.
Shucking the Curve
This film follows the life of a mentally ill street itinerant whose name is not worthy of mention. When not sleeping in the gutters of Manhattan's...
Once & Future Queen
Three generations of small town rebel-rebels crash into each other and burn in Todd Verow's new film, A Sudden Loss of Gravity. The small town of...
A Sudden Loss of Gravity