Josie finds herself seemingly trapped within an alternate dimension which she inadvertently created by taking Victor's power source, the floating chi...
Strange Days: Conclusions
Matt, a 19-year-old student, goes to the hospital to see his newborn son. He learns his girlfriend plans to put the baby up for adoption without his...
A Dad for Christmas
Simon and Sally think their neighbor, Mrs. Jones, is a witch. Their teddy bears Ben and Wally get involved and they all have an adventure to discover...
The Teddy Bears' Scare
The Childlike Empress lies in limbo between life and death and the only hope for her kingdom lies in the ability of a young boy to transcend the...
Tales from the Neverending Story: The Beginning
Tales from the Neverending Story: The Gift
Tales from the Neverending Story: Badge of Courage
Tales from the Neverending Story: Resurrection
Three young teens are stranded in the wilderness without their parents.
Shadow of the Bear