An interesting take on the modern-day concept of commitment, the short film revolves around a chance meeting between two strangers at a bar and their...
A Cheat Day
A woman seeks to escape her engagement to a violent politician, but when a stranger comes to her aid, the two face an onslaught of bigotry and hate.
A modern take on the Indian legend Mahabharata.
Mama's Boy
The true story of model Jessica Lall who was shot dead in a restaurant and the campaign to bring her killer to justice.
No One Killed Jessica
Set in the city of Uttar Pradesh and based on true events, the plot revolves around Dr. Shrinivas Ramchandra Siras who taught Marathi at Aligarh...
Edith Dsouza or Eddy is a professional cuddler who is interviewed by a journalist Riya and questions the process and the perception of society about...
Call Him Eddy
In 2019, a man named Naveen disappears from a memorial park in Sydney while traveling with his girlfriend Cathy. Having arrived in New York two years...
No Land's Man