Slightly ironic comedy of wretches, who come to understand the rich and are able to accept charity, and also about how love and work prevail over the...
Camel Through The Eye Of A Needle
Sivooký démon
Trny a květy
Cesty k výšinám
Nad propastí
Souboj s Bohem
During a pogrom against Jews in a village, an innkeeper is killed, his daughter is put in a convent after being crucified, and her illegitimate...
The Crucified
Ty petřínské stráně
Ulička hříchu a lásky
Choulostivé námluvy
Problematický gentleman
In a country whose people have just been successfully persuaded of their superiority and the justification for military expansion by the fiery...
The White Disease
Venice Film Festival 1937
Lidé na kře
The smooth narration, corresponding to the requirements of a light comedy, develops the smiling and optimistic story of the "one-armed" beggar...
The World Where One Goes Begging