After two gang-related killings in "Center City," a suspect (who was framed) is arrested, released on bail...and murdered. Inspector Briggs of the...
The Street with No Name
Rocky and Dan, war buddies, are prowl car cops on night duty. Dan is a cynic who views all lawbreakers as scum; Rocky feels more lenient. Both are...
Between Midnight and Dawn
A jealous musician kills his wife and frames a cab driver.
Stolen Identity
The daughter of a slain man pushes her brother toward vengeance in 19th-century Corsica.
Captain Hunt of the cavalry is trying to promote good relations with the Indian chief Acoma. But Hunt's superiors in the military insist on pursuing...
New Mexico
On the eve of World War II, the German Kurt Müller, his American-born wife Sara, and their three children, having lived in Europe for years,...
Watch on the Rhine
Workers in an auto parts warehouse in 1933 New York City inhabit a bleak, dead-end world in the depths of the Depression where, at least, they have...
A Memory of Two Mondays
Drama about the life Adolf Eichmann, the Nazi officer responsible for the deaths of countless Jewish people during World War II.
Operation Eichmann
A private investigator endures the rigors of an insane asylum in order to locate $1 million in stolen loot.
Shock Treatment