During the Cold War, an organization called "Patriot" created a super-hero squad, which includes members of multiple soviet republics. For years, the...
The film depicts the way of two friends to victory in the culinary contest 'CookNOW'. Together with his best friend Patrick, they are -...
Smachnogo / Bon Appetit
There is no single truth in love. Each treads their own path. Which should take precedence – passion or duty? How do we choose? And who gets...
Anna Karenina. Vronsky's Story
Nobody knows what can happen with each of us tomorrow at dawn. Three our heroes woke up on a desert island in the company of two beautiful... but not...
Gender Wars
A gripping story about a man who was the terror of the Russian Empire: the legendary figure of a Polish priest, chaplain and general - Father...
Powstaniec 1863