"Notorious" is the story of Christopher Wallace. Through raw talent and sheer determination, Wallace transforms himself from Brooklyn street hustler...
A young sketch artist agrees to a in-house therapy session with a well renowned psychiatrist as his life begins sprawling out of control after years...
Mickey Hardaway
An accomplished writer finds his way back to his work after experiencing a tragedy.
Letters from the Bottle
Out of desperation, a struggling hairstylist turns to a charming drug dealer for a favor. Only to later find herself caught up in his hidden agenda
Libaraiers "Rilla" Stanford, has just been released from prison and finds that his immediate world has changed, knowing that the dangers of the...
Super Turnt
A young mother who grew up a victim of her environment gets pulled back into a life of crime while trying to make a better future for her three...
All In
Dawn Goldie is a painter who seemingly has the perfect life. Thriving gallery, loving husband Alex, and adorable 2 year old son Lennox; but the...
Dear Best Friend
Nina and Maurice, a married couple who give each other one night off from fidelity, the titular "hall pass." Their lives quickly turn upside down as...
Kandi Burruss and Todd Tucker's The Pass
Swimming is a bittersweet and intimate look at friendship, love and growing up. The easy life of summertime in Myrtle Beach is turned upside down for...
In NYC, the new trap stars in the hood are the scammers living a life of luxury. Envious of the young scammers, the OG drug dealers go to war, and...
Scam City
A love triangle turns deadly when a savvy hustler finds herself at a crossroads between a drug-dealing boyfriend and a better life.
No Better Love
A drama and faith-based film about two ambitious college students. Mark and Tom became good friends despite a rocky beginning at gunpoint that almost...
The Prayer
A woman struggles to recover from a brutal attack by setting out on a mission for revenge.
The Brave One
A film about Jesus, Santa Claus and a guy named Chris, all living together.
Three Chris's
Mia dreams of singing, Quentin dreams of dancing, Paalo wants to mend the relationship with his daughter and Alonzo hopes to reconnect with his...
An undercover journalist travels to small-town Mansionville attempting to expose its dark secrets. He quickly discovers the town is home to a cult of...
Bleeding Hearts
A group of U.S. soldiers returning from Iraq struggle to integrate back into family and civilian life, while living with the memory of a war that...
Thank You for Your Service
In 1989 Dustin Carter produced the most talked about movie thriller of the 80’s. His past comes to haunt him when a serial killer is on the...
The Other Side
Secrets: Tarron is a successful, married businessman who risks losing it all when a sexy new hire comes to his company. As his wife struggles to keep...
This is a story of a young man named Kenny Stanford who had dreams of being an Successful artist in the music industry, but these dreams were cut...
A struggling rapper working as a drop man for a drug kingpin, records a song that becomes a viral hit hours before his arrest. His fame intensifies...
Trap City
A late-night DJ at the hottest radio station in Atlanta struggles to find his way back to the top after being dumped live on-air. In his journey to...
When a clumsy deadbeat accidentally kills his landlord, he must do everything in his power to hide the body, only to find that the distractions of...
Small Apartments
In the heat of Atlanta's streets, Drew's college dreams clash with the gritty reality of street vending, alongside his best friend Dolo, who's got...
The Waterboyz