Kluci z bronzu
A love story which unfolds over three days and nights on the outskirts of the metropolis. Seventeen-year-old Ema (Dorota Nvotová) breaks up...
Od vraždy jenom krok ke lži
Ani svatí, ani andělé
Víkend bez rodičů
Až já budu velká
Na semaforu zelená
Vodník v pivovaře
ČT Live – Nightwork
Honza a tajemná Hastroška
Lásky Petra Štěpánka
Vita Jamie already exceeded thirty, working as a poorly paid sociologist, husband, tired father of two children. In the sociological institute...
Ready for the Grave
Rubín má barvu krve
Modern Japan-inspired fairy tale movie story.
Four swimmers - water polo players find themselves at the bottom of their existence after losing a match. So desperate that they even find themselves...
Husband to Rent
Ať ten kůň mlčí!
Zatmění všech sluncí
Nedosněné sny
Anna spends every summer with her husband in a neighborhood a few dozen kilometers outside Prague. They've been together for ages, so their marriage,...
Summer with the gentleman
O dívce, která šlápla na chléb
Bastardi III
Insufficient brothers Jakub and David, along with friend Sasa, spend most of their time in the social networking world. Relationships for them are...
An atmospheric coming-of-age story featuring an imaginative young boy named Marek who dreams of escaping an increasingly dangerous Poland on the eve...
Návštěvní hodiny
Ten zázračný dotek lásky
Když hraje klarinet
Bedřich má psy rád
Sama uprostřed noci
Léto s Evženem
Čtvrtá strana trojúhelníku