A romantic thriller, Crossing follows the story of macho Danarama (Sebastian Spence), who makes a deathbed promise to his father to turn their family...
Mourning the loss of her father, who committed suicide, Mackenzie starts having hallucinations of killing people. They seem so real that she's...
I Know What I Saw
Dawn isn't like other kids her age full of typical teenage angst about boys, school and parents. Her pain goes far deeper, and to deal with her...
Painful Secrets
A teenage girl is plagued by bizarre occurrences and deaths related to her new home.
Christina's House
A meteorologist and her family work feverishly to find a way to extinguish a storm that threatens to destroy mankind.
Lightning: Bolts of Destruction
Sarah is depressed and lonely after her best friend dies. She follows a handsome man, Charlie, into a church where he attends AA meetings. Sarah lets...
My Name Is Sarah
Based on the classic novel by Jack London, Call of the Wild stakes its claim to being that rate breed of adventure that parents and kids can enjoy...
The Call of the Wild
While working at a Seattle clinic for women in the 1970s, Ann Rule becomes friends with Ted Bundy. Based on a book by Ann Rule.
Ann Rule Presents: The Stranger Beside Me