Kinara (Clarice Cutie), a class X high school student, dreams of becoming a skilled dancer like her mother. Meanwhile, her mother, Diah (Lilis...
Tari Kematian
Savory adventures await for a young boy who attends a prestigious cooking camp and competes with other child chefs in a culinary championship.
Koki-Koki Cilik
Dinda who wants to be able to control her power goes to Mata Hati School. A place where a child with special powers learns to control his strengths,...
Kuntilanak 3
Roy, who has the ability to interact with supernatural beings, is very frustrated when his sister Rani is kidnapped by the demon. Roy feels he failed...
Roy Kiyoshi: The Untold Story
When a group of kid chefs find out that their beloved cooking camp is closed, they try to raise enough money to reopen it using their culinary skills.
Koki-Koki Cilik 2