After a run-in with local thugs, aspiring Harlem rapper Rob flees to a place and father he never knew, and finds his salvation in Reggaeton, a spicy...
Feel The Noise
When average 13-year-old Tracy befriends Evie, the most popular girl in school, Tracy's world is turned upside down as Evie introduces her to a world...
Two large women struggle to find love and acceptance in a culture where thin is in. Their lives take a dramatic turn when they meet the men of their...
Phat Girlz
Animated character Fat Albert emerges from his TV universe into the real world, accompanied by his friends Rudy, Mushmouth, Old Weird Harold and Dumb...
Fat Albert
In 2020, a mysterious Priestess arrives in the USA to fulfill a 400 year old Prophecy: to choose an American King (Akon) who will rebuild an ancient...
The American King