Sebastian returns to his hometown to take care of his mother after her sudden illness. While there, he struggles to come to terms with his past and...
A cynical divorce mediator (Brooke Nevin) is forced to care for a client’s dog. The mischievous hound warms her heart, and after spending time...
Hometown Hero
The year 2050 the planet has become overpopulated, to help control population the government develops a race. The Death Race. Annually competitors...
Death Race 2050
An unedited memory card from a camera shows Leah Sullivan's school project about a cold case murder that doesn't seem to be so cold after all.
The Lost Footage of Leah Sullivan
In a dilapidated cyberpunk city plagued by crime and corruption, an unscrupulous District Attorney is savagely murdered and tossed out of a building...
The Car: Road to Revenge
When Emma moves in with her estranged, gay son, the pair must learn to reconnect through food where words fail, and face the foreclosure of the...
Eat With Me
Behind the scenes of a failing soap opera the cast and crew try desperately to hold it together.
Dropping The Soap