When Sam, the designer behind a popular home renovation show, returns to her hometown during the holidays to help renovate the Bell Harbor Inn, she...
The Holiday Fix Up
The story of Angela, an ambitious, image-conscious businesswoman working for over-demanding boss Mary. When Angela becomes unexpectedly pregnant at...
Baby on Board
When her father dies, MacKenzie keeps his tradition of the town's fundraising "The Reindeer Games" alive, but when high school crush Chase shows up...
Reindeer Games Homecoming
Becca and Robby are a married couple having a hard time connecting with each other as the holidays approach. Just before Christmas, they head to a...
We Wish You a Married Christmas
When department store executive Madison is charged with coming up with a fresh idea for the holiday season, she decides that instead of a classic...
Santa's Got Style
To pull off a spectacular Christmas-themed wedding, a wedding planner joins forces with the co-owner of a family-run Christmas decoration and...
Twinkle All the Way
A pop star named Bowyn hasn’t found Mr. Right, until she meets Drew, a professional football player, backstage at one of her shows. When Drew...
Christmas in the Spotlight