Two wealthy sisters, both heiresses to their family's cosmetics fortune, are given a wake-up call when a scandal and ensuing investigation strip them...
Material Girls
Suits on the Loose is the story of two rebellious teens, Justin and Ty, and their breakout from a desert survival camp. When two naive Mormon...
Suits on the Loose
With their father killed by a swarm of vampiric sea creatures, Bering Sea adventurers, Joe and Donna, team up with a marine biologist and her devoted...
Beast of the Bering Sea
A doctor works to cure patients suffering from crippling phobias by placing them inside his invention which induces and controls hallucinations.
Fear Clinic
Wedding Planner Mystery follows the exploits of a quirky but lovable event planner who makes murder as fun as can be. Homicide doesn't follow our...
Wedding Planner Mystery
Luke Parker, a brilliant young psychiatrist has always relied on analysis and logic. But his amazing mind can't fathom the call of his destiny....
Blood Moon
Mysterious emotional thriller about a woman who, after being left at the altar, has a brief liaison with a handsome stranger on a plane which...
When several carnal murders in a small beach town are linked to the public release of a discreet dating app's client information, detective Maxine...
Deadly Exposé
2021 - 5 years after the outbreak of a mysterious virus that turned humans into bloodthirsty, undead beasts much of the world’s population has...
Dead Trigger
A teen endures a terrifying exorcism in the hopes of unlocking shocking secrets about the church and his family.
Gates of Darkness
A college freshman goes to a frat party and wakes up with a strange thirst for blood. He soon discovers the fraternity is actually secret society of...
The Brotherhood
"My wife had faith, I had doubt - you'd be surprised how well those two work together!" That's been Joe Bigler's "life operating manual" until his...
Life with Dog