Artificial Paradises tells the story of Nando and Erika, two young people in their twenties who meet several times without noticing. It tells the...
Artificial Paradises
Upon leaving prison, Brazilian Jonathan discovers that his ex-fiancee has disappeared, leaving behind a six-year-old son. The unlikely duo venture...
Ballad of a Hustler
Four people with different values and standards meet in the urban chaos of Copacabana. Rita and Waldick come from the country, and befriend two Rio...
Four for None
In the underworld of the city of São Paulo, there is a real business that is making money for a lot of people: fights. The small wrestling...
La Riña
Lili is a princess who dreams of participating in a singing contest, however, she fears for the image of the royal family. Didi and Arthur help Lili,...
O Segredo da Princesa Lili
In an attempt to reconnect with her family after four years, Isabela decides to introduce her liberal and free-loving boyfriend Giovani. HIs presence...
The Seeker
Four stories portray the human being and his existential dramas. Bruno's life turns upside down when he is forced to take care of his newborn son as...
Cães Famintos