Set in Milan in the summer of 1989 against the backdrop of the fall of the Berlin Wall, the film follows four frustrated individuals whose lives...
The Peaceful Air of the West
A civil servant (Michele Lastella) uses shady methods to become a powerful businessman.
The Trial Begins
Pasqualino Frafuso, known in Naples as "Pasqualino Seven Beauties" is a petty thief who lives off of the profits of his seven sisters while claiming...
Seven Beauties
All her life, an overweight girl has been ignored by her rich and attractive mother. But when the ugly duckling becomes a swan, she turns into a...
Manila paloma blanca
Nicola is a man who has spent much of his life in a mental institution, though not always as a patient. Nicola's mother suffered from mental illness,...
The Black Sheep
In a despairing, fatalistic Rome, Nicola finds himself flirting with the city’s dark side. Drinking too much and living among drifters, petty...
Long Live the Bride
Geremia, an aging tailor/money lender, is a repulsive, mean, stingy man who lives alone in his shabby house with his scornful, bedridden mother. He...
The Family Friend
A 'period' piece set in the hot summer of 2011, in the midst of the Berlusconi era. The life of a quiet corner market is shaken when the mayor...
Arance & martello
Cuore in gola
Il caso Martello
Anthology of urban stories form seven Italian directors.
Provvisorio, quasi d'amore
The story of the “Oresteia” begins with King Agamemnon's return to Argos after the fall of Troy. The chorus, composed of old Argives,...