The story of the film revolves around two sisters; Shabana and Farzana (Babra Sharif in a double role). They are identical twins who have very...
A coward man tries to take his life after the death of his mother and some criminals try to take the advantage of the situation but than a girl comes...
The Islamic world is in crisis with the publication of Salman Rushdie's Satanic Verses. Rushdie wants Pakistan, the stronghold of Islam, to fall....
International Gorillay
This film's story is based upon the famous romance novel 'Love Story' by the American writer Erich Segal.
Mera Naam Hai Mohabbat
No description
An evil scientist combines a dead police officer's head with a dead gangster's headless body. What comes to life is a monster but it does not behave...
Beheaded Man
Arshad and Hamid fall in love with Aneela. Hamid is willing to sacrifice his love for Arshad, as he is the son of Saith Ahsan Ali, who brought up...
Dil Nay Phir Yaad Kiya
A glowing space ship that arrives in the middle of the forest near a village in Pakistan and a glowing figure appears and follows a terrified girl...
Dard 1977
Meherbani is known for Nadeem and Babra Sharif’s iconic pairing Pervez Malik’s brilliant direction, but perhaps most for its...