Dikshul is a 1943 Bengali film produced by New Theatres Ltd. Directed by Premankur Atorthy, the film featured music by Pankaj Mullick and...
Durgeshnandini is a sweeping historical drama set against the backdrop of 16th-century India. This epic tale follows the intertwined destinies of...
Nondo and Gobindo are both rich people who live in a village. But they had married in the city. One day Nondo writes Gobindo's father-in-law that...
Manik Jor
Uttam Kumar is in a mental asylum where he has forgotten slices of his life and behaves in a way that makes people feel he is mad. The doctor,...
Kamona is a Bengali drama film directed by Nabendu Sundar. This movie was released on 4 March 1949 under the banner of Kirti Pictures. This is the...
Maryada was a Bengali drama film directed by Digambar Chattopadhyay. This movie was released on 15 December 1950 under the banner of Bhabani...
Purbarag follows the journey of Indranath, a young man deeply influenced by his early childhood experiences. Orphaned at a young age, Indranath finds...
A 1953 Bengali Drama Film directed by Subodh Mitra.
Nabin Jatra
The movie tells the story of Fakkaram, a.k.a. Fakka, and his love, along with his family and his greedy relatives, who are in search of a valuable...
Lakh Taka
A 1949 Indian Bengali Film directed by Satyen Bose.
The rustic girl left this world and went to heaven. Her Painful memories are what remains behind. The injustice exploitation is suffocating. These...
Burmar Pathe
A 1949 Indian Bengali Drama Film directed by Deb Narayan Gupta.