The story of an introverted young girl just reaching adulthood who takes a liking to an older woman she meets at a party and determines to match her...
A Tale of Springtime
Joey Wellman, an American cartoonist from Cleveland now largely forgotten at home, visits France with his partner Lena to attend an exhibition in...
I Want to Go Home
Like every provincial girl arriving in Paris, Charlotte gets off the train with one idea in mind: to have fun, to flirt, to find a guy at all costs....
Comment draguer tous les mecs
In this film that sends up the foibles of filmmaking, a standard crew of actors, stage-hands, director, writers, producers, and others are gathered...
Qu'est-ce qu'on attend pour être heureux!
An Italian lumberjack named Giovanni falls in love with a girl named Louise. What starts off as a whirlwind romance devolves Louise becoming a...