The film follows the story of Hadzi Trifun, a prominent Serbian merchant, who tries to keep the peace with the Turkish authorities, but also...
Bad Blood
Dagi is a famous actor, but a heavy drinker. At one point his condition becomes critical and he ends up in the hospital where he is diagnosed with...
Delirium Tremens
Jovan, a young biologist, gets a well-paying job in a forest, but when he checks the cameras he discovers a man and as time goes by the night calls,...
Our heroes are high school students spending an unforgettable summer, full of adventures, on their way to a big rock festival. Producer Sava and...
Zduhac Means Adventure
It follows Marija an ice skater who lives with her father. When her father's girlfriend moves in, Marija realizes that she cannot trust her. The love...
Rift in the Ice
Marko and Nedeljko, best friends since high school аnd now in their early twenties, are seriously starting to think that Stefana and Nemanja,...
Somehow Wit Da Spring
The late controversial hip-hopper, the founder of Prti Bee Gee rap group, Davor Bobic Moskri, suddenly returns to the world of the living. He's...
Life According to Moskri
Captain Stosic tries to make a comeback to his old love - flying.
Military Academy 5
What happened to guys and girls of Military academy since we last saw them? The first generation of cadets continue their adventures with the...
Military Academy 3: The New Beginning
Snorty a rehabilitated outsider tries to find a place for himself in a society in transition. All his past sins will come to haunt him and show him...
Unscrupulous managers, somewhat violent hunters, an Italian girl, a Partizan football star and his brother-in-law who is a supporter of Red Star, are...
The Crew
Artistic look at the relationship between Serbian poet Laza Kostic and Lenka Dundjerski, the lovely daughter of the richest man in 19th century...
The Age of Dundjerski