Sai, a young artist living in a downtown warehouse delves into an ancient world of blood and lust. An enigmatic foreigner seduces her to try a long...
Spencer Maxson is a hard-headed agent who never sleeps. His wife, Jade, is a struggling actress that is trying to be a good spouse and raise their...
When Strangers Meet
A down on their luck couple from South Georgia go on the run to get the money to repay a gambling debt, and decide to film their escapade, in hopes...
American Joyride
Scott Bridges Unlike the rest of the girls coming to Hollywood with dreams of seeing their name in lights, Carrie Kevin arrives with a single...
A mysterious stranger, living in the woods with a troubling secret, is interrupted by the arrival of a lost child and a skilled hunter.
Please, Don't!
Serial commitment-phobe, Dave, is reeling from his decision to break up with his near perfect, now ex-girlfriend. As he tries to forget her, his...
It's Not You, It's Me
When a wealthy publisher dies, leaving behind the family fortune, his son and heir apparent is shocked to discover that the business has been left in...
Two teens from L.A. make their way to Utah to hide with distant Mormon relatives from their troubled pasts. An earthquake opens up a time rift,...
Passage to Zarahemla
A young woman awakens in a fallout shelter and is coerced into horrific acts in order to stay alive.