Four hours. Thirty-one men. Thirteen Scenes. Two discs. Forget the Earl Grey and the crumpets! Hardcore cocksucking is the only thing on the menu at...
Tearoom Tete-a-Tetes
There's the length of it. I've known guys like me that could take any length. It's usually a throat thing, but sometimes I get to prove my prowess...
The Thick of It
When we kissed I thought it would never end, the world was ours and nothing could stand in our way. But you left me afraid and alone, the moment I...
Tainted Love
It's all in the eyes. You can tell so much about a guy by looking into his eyes. You can tell if he's a top or a bottom and what kind of man he is in...
Hungry Eyes
Chances are you're gonna see everything and anything at a sexclub. It's a non-stop kinky raunchfest for curious eyes to feast on everywhere you turn....
Night Watch II
Chi Chi LaRue takes us to the dark and steamy side of a man's journey of lust and love, with Las Vegas as the backdrop.
Lost in Vegas