Chitrakut revolves around the lives of five people, their journey of change and metamorphosis as they search for love and companionship. When Debu...
Four strangers are invited by the reclusive Kabir Malhotra, to his private island of Samos, Greece. They don't know each other and they don't know...
Two criminals, a man left for dead, his undead wife and an abandoned house...
Lex Talionis
Pal Pal Dil Ke Paas a love story set in snowy hilly regions of Himachal Pradesh with all of the complexities of love. It is a 2019 Indian...
Pal Pal Dil Ke Paas
A struggling street photographer, pressured to marry by his grandmother, convinces a shy stranger to pose as his fiancée. The pair develops a...
When an abandoned haunted ship called 'Sea Bird' washes up on the shores of Mumbai, surveying officer Prithvi is assigned to solve the mystery and...
Bhoot: Part One - The Haunted Ship
Four dedicated housewives - Shivangi, Mansi, Neha, and Sakhina, whose lives revolve only around their husband and family, decide to escape the...
Jahaan Chaar Yaar