A young music lover named Asano Daiyoshi died at the young age of 20. In that fact, there is a feeling that a miracle that cannot be imagined...
20-Year-Old Soul
Set in 2020 in the Shibuya neighborhood of Tokyo, the story revolves around Hachi, a boy who fled to the Japanese capital from his hometown of...
17-year-old high school students struggle and grow up while facing the life and death of animals.
17, Unstoppable
The eldest daughter, Masami, who ran away from home three years ago and hadn't heard from her father and sister who run the ramen shop "Kogawa...
Kamaishi Ramen Story
Shibuya, the year is 2036. In contrast to the front face of the city with its huge skyscrapers, the backside of Shibuya is a home ground for...
Asako is a girl who firmly believes that “she can’t live without being exceptionally pretty.” It all began during one fateful...
what YOU eat
"Tales of the Bizarre: 2024 Summer Special" (世にも奇妙な物語...
Tales of the Bizarre: 2024 Summer Special
An emotional coming-of-age drama centered around Andou Jun, a gay student who is not out. He accepts a confession from his fujoshi classmate Miura...
What She Likes
While fooling around with a self-made crossbow, Kira accidentally kills his classmate Itsuki. For lack of evidence, the young student is found...
Forgiven Children