When the killer of an adolescent labor activist is acquitted, journalist Shahbaz Bhatti sees glaring loopholes in the verdict, and begins a quest for...
Gunjal (Entangled)
The finale of Parizaad, that was aired in cinemas on 28 January 2022 before its release on television on 1 February 2022.
Zara loses her child due to miscarriage. Bilal and Zara decide to adopt a child but they don't know what is going to happen to them.
A group of friends find themselves in trouble when one receives a chit from the gangster that he owes money to.
He's looking for a way out of the city. But his only escape is through a woman looking for revenge.
Laal Kabootar
Heer Maan Ja is love, crazy romantic and comedy Pakistani film which will be released in 2019 on Eid Ul Azha. The cast of the fil is Hareem Farooq...
Heer Maan Ja
The story of a struggling actor who meets Mian Tariq Ali, a relic of the once thriving film industry. The struggling actor is there to convince Ali...
A road trip from Karachi to Lahore where 5 friends discover themselves and the country amidst getting to their destination.
Karachi Se Lahore