A filmmaker is commissioned to film a documentary on the social reality of the Lacandon people in the state of Chiapas. As he enters the harsh living...
Oscar Cardenas is a free young man who dreams of being a racer. One day he is trapped by Isabel Salas, a young secretary, who while finds a husband,...
En la trampa
A love story turned assassination against the backdrop of the 1968 student massacre whose unresolved status is finally resolved in tense life...
Borrar de la Memoria
The legendary life of Mexican singer Lucha Reyes is the basis of this fictionalized biography ( or as director Arturo Ripstein puts it "an imaginary...
The Queen of the Night
"La Nueva Jerusalem" is a small community of believers lead by Papá Basilio and Mamá Dorita. They're waiting for the second coming of...
Family from a farming community move to the capital and lose their moral compass.
Espejismo de la ciudad
An army deserter turned bandit robs from thieves to give the money to the poor. He was famous for being caught by the police "with his pants down"
El Tigre de Santa Julia